Authentic Montessori
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Montessori students love to read

Sources for Montessori

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Recommended reading
Montessori: Why It Matters for Your Child's Success and Happiness by Charlotte Cushman
The Absorbent Mind by Maria Montessori
The Secret of Childhood by Maria Montessori
The Discovery of the Child by Maria Montessori
Maria Montessori: Her Life and Work by EM Standing
Effective Discipline the Montessori Way by Charlotte Cushman
Montessori: A Modern Approach by Paula Polk Lillard
The Comprachicos by Ayn Rand
Maria Montessori A Biography by Rita Kramer

Recommended Videos

During These Turbulent Times What is the One Thing the Child Needs to Know? by Charlotte Cushman

"During These Turbulent Times What is the One Thing the Child Needs to Know?"

"Discipline is Not a Bad Word"

The correct discipline practices are based on the educational principles advocated by Dr. Maria Montessori.

This talk was given at the Ayn Rand Institute

July, 2018

Discipline is Not a Bad Word by Charlotte Cushman

Independence Begins Early

The child who is allowed to practice without adult interference develops concentration, a sense of accomplishment, and pride in himself.

“The essence of independence is to be able to do something for oneself.” –Maria Montessori

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